Frequently Asked Questions


Here you can find answers to questions many new and old students ask us. 

Do I need a partner to attend your courses?
No. Most people come to our courses alone. We change partners during class, so everyone will dance with each other. It’s social, nice and you will quickly get to know your fellow students.

Can I dance with my wife/husband/friend the whole course?
Yes. We change partners all the time throughout the class, but if you only want to dance with your significant other or friend, that is ok too. Just let the instructors know before the class.

Do I need dance shoes to start dancing?
No. Good danceshoes are a very good investment after a while if you are going to dance a lot. But it’s not necessary in the very beginning. Just make sure the shoes you use are comfortable, light, sit well on your foot and have a little slippery soles. We don’t recommend sneakers.

What clothes should I wear?
We recommend comfortable clothes that you can breathe and move in. Many use normal training gear.

What age groups take your courses?
We have every age from 17 to 65 years. The average is around 25-50 år. Dance has no age limit! Everyone is welcome!

Do I need to pre sign-up for the Open Week?
No. There is no pre sign up for our Open Week. Just meet up at our studios!

How do I sign up?
You can register and pay in our reception only. See exact hours + adres below the schedule here.

Do I need dance experience to join your courses?
No. No experience or dance background is required to join our courses. We have every level from Beginner til Advanced/Masterclass. Many of our students started dancing with us without having danced before in their lives.

What’s the difference between the Salsa styles?
Click here to read about the different styles.

Where are you located?
We currently use two adresses, Melahuset: Mariboes gate 8, and M40: Møllergata 40. You can see under each day in the schedule where the courses take place. The adres is also specified on the schedule.

What are the prices?
Find the prices on the schedule, or below, on below it here.

Which language to the instructors teach in?
Mainly english. We have many international students so we always adjust our teaching to the group of students.

Will there be any holiday or red days without classes during the course?
Check the info below the schedule here to see any important dates for the ongoing course.

What is the difference between Coursecard (kurskort) and Punch-card (klippekort)?
Coursecard: The standard one:You sign up for one specific class per week, and can only come to this class.
Punchcard: The flexible one: Gives you the flexibility to take different classes (as long as you have to level of the class), or for example take two classes one week and no class the next, if you are traveling, working different hours etc. There are 7 clips per punchcard that can be used within the course round you bought the card.